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As a boy of sixteen in 1896, he challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry and awakened mankind to the immense spiritual power of the holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual heart of the world.

As a boy of sixteen in 1896, he challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry and awakened mankind to the immense spiritual power of the holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual heart of the world. He moved to Arunachala in 1896.

For those new to Ramana Maharshi

Introduction to Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi ("Bhagavan") was a 20th century South Indian sage who continues to radiate peace and self-awareness to the global community of spiritual seekers. You do not need to join any organization, adopt any belief system, or worship anyone or anything to experience the transition of bliss and clarity. Bhagavan simply points you towards your innermost self, the unchanging reality underlying all that exists. As if your life and the world were a movie; Bhagavan's practice of asking who am I? It allows you to find true happiness by realizing that you are the screen itself, not the movie being projected.

To begin your exploration of Bhagavan's teachings and his method of self-inquiry, we suggest you download and read a free book A short book entitled "Who am I?". Then we suggest you read a more comprehensive book titled "Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi". Other resources include previous issues of The Mountain Path and the Sarangathi Newsletter from our website Publications page, Audio recordings Like that of Ashtavakra Gita, And View video clips of previous talks at the ashram.

The Ashram strives to make as much literature free and online as possible. Resources can be found online through our website Resource Center And from the menu options. To obtain a physical copy, you can order the books from our online bookstore. There are different locations within India and internationally.

If you are not in Tiruvannamalai and there is one available locally, you can attend a meeting Satsang (Spiritual Group) Meetings for fellowship and group practice in Bhagavan's self-enquiry teachings. Our site is List of satsangs around the world are here, and the New York Ashram he have List of satsangs in North America.

Finally, we suggest you visit Bhagavan's ashram ("Sri Ramanasramam") in Tiruvannamalai, South India for complete immersion in Bhagavan's transmission of the Self.

For newcomers interested in visiting the ashram

Newcomer Ashram Information

Sri Ramanasramam It is a spiritual center (ashram) in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, about 160 kilometers southwest of Chennai. Ramana Maharshi lived in this place for 54 years until his samadhi in 1950. It is located at the base of the Holy Mountain Arunachala, which has been highly respected as a source of great spiritual power since ancient times. For Ramana Maharshi and the spiritual seekers associated with him, Arunachala represents and conveys knowledge of the transcendent self.

Ashram It makes itself available as a home (generally for a stay of a week or less) to seekers who wish to immerse themselves in Ramana and Arunachala's transmission of self-knowledge. There are no requirements to participate in any particular beliefs or worship practices while you are there; Visitors are free to make use of it Ashram activities and resources that they individually deem appropriate. The ashram provides comfortable rooms and healthy South Indian food to visitors from all over the world. Look Accommodation Department For details about visiting the ashram.

If you are a visitor unfamiliar with Tamil Nadu culture and would like to learn more, please read on Etiquette page Regarding behaviors around holy places. Tamils ​​are generally good and tolerant people and will probably not tell you if you make a mistake!

 His Ashram

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