Bhagavan Ramana and Tiruvaachakam (Tamil)
Bhagavan Ramana and Tiruvaachakam (Tamil)
On a number of occasions, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi spoke in detail about Tiruvaachakam and its author, Saint Manikkavaachakar. He encouraged the recitation of Tiruvaachakam as part of Sadhana for those interested. Tiruvaachakam and Manikkavaachakar represent the path of Sanmaargam—oneness with the Lord in Saiva Siddaantam—three others being those of master-servant, father-son, Father-Son and attitude of friendship towards the Lord.
...Bhagavan sat beside Mother’s (Alagammal’s) body. Brahmachari Arunachalaswami and I were near Bhagavan. Bhagavan wanted us to read out Tiruvaachakam. Bhagavan read out some parts, and we read out others. Bhagavan corrected us whenever we made mistakes. In this manner, we finished the entire Tiruvaachakam by 4 o’clock in the morning.
-Kunju Swami’s Reminiscences (from his description of the Maha Samadhi of Bhagavan’s Mother on the night of May 19, 1922)
...Bhagavan told me that such weeping is good, quoting from Tiruvaachakam: Azhudaal Unnai Peralaame—by crying for You (God), one can get You. It was in connection with Mrs. Eleanor Pauline Noye, an American devotee (who used to weep in the presence of Bhagavan), that Bhagavan quoted to me the above line from Tiruvaachakam.
The present sample upload, lasting about three hours, is from one such session conducted by Sri. Siva Daamodaran at Kanchipuram in Sri Ekaambareswar Temple on the 29th Sep 2012, which was attended by more than 10,000 devotees.
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