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Swami Rajeswarananda Day

On January 31, 2024, devotees gathered to observe the Aradhana day of Swami Rajeswarananda at his Samadhi. A modest puja ceremony took place at the shrine, accompanied by the chanting of Aksharamanamalai by the devoted attendees.

Swami Rajeswarananda, originally from Madras (now Chennai), assumed the role as a sannyasi of the Ramakrishna Order. He had the unique privilege of being in close contact with Bhagavan Sri Ramana for nearly 44 years. Swami Rajeswarananda played a pivotal role in simplifying the conveyance of Bhagavan's Truth. His initial contribution was the book "Thus Spake Ramana," a concise booklet encapsulating the full essence and breadth of Bhagavan's teachings in 125 succinct yet powerful statements.

In addition to his notable work, Swami Rajeswarananda served as the editor of the journal "The Call Divine" during its inaugural twelve years. Furthermore, he authored two additional books: "Erase the Ego" and "Teachings of Ramana Maharshi." On this special day, devotees honored and remembered Swami Rajeswarananda for his profound contributions to disseminating the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana.

Swami Rajeswarananda Day